Thank you for your interest in Honoring Your Educator! This new program is a way for parents, grandparents, mentors and friends of our students to give back to teachers by honoring them in a meaningful way! For those interested, you may make an online gift. You will be asked to select the school in which your student attends and let us know your educator that has made an impact! The gift will then be transferred to the school and the educator you choose! The educator will be able to use this gift for their classroom or department to continue to benefit all students! Not only will the educator receive the gift for their area, they will also be recognized with a certificate and pin to wear. The recipient will never know the amount of your gift, so nothing is too small or large. We hope this is a simple way to recognize those who invest in our students, as well as continue a legacy in their classroom for years to come! For more information, questions, or alternative donations, please contact the Development Office – lshaw@madisoncity.k12.al.us.