
Coach Tarrer asked everyone on the team to compile a list of important people in our lives, and I hope you don’t mind that I’ve included you.

The Bob Jones Patriot girls’ soccer team is trying to raise $400 per player to go towards player fees, which is made up of all the player and program needs for this season.  Your contribution will go a long way to help us in our goal to be one of the best high school soccer teams not only in the area, but in the state.  I am asking you to sponsor me with a donation of $20 or more.  All donations directly benefit the player.  

In 2024, we were area runners-up, falling in the first round of playoffs, with a closing record of 12-5-1. The 24-25 season has us all excited to get back on the soccer field, and we have great squads to compete at JV and Varsity level. 

With your donation, you become part of our program; a program that will continue to rise with the support of people like you.  Follow us on Instagram at @BJHS_soccer and Facebook at @BJHS.soccer.  I have also attached a copy of our 2025 schedule, and we hope to see you at our games!  Lastly, your financial support of Patriot Soccer is tax deductible.  We appreciate your support of Patriot Soccer, and we hope to make you proud!


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Yes, I would like to sponsor the following player: ___________________________________in the amount of $______.

Please return any donation to the player or mail it to Bob Jones, with checks made out to Bob Jones Girls Soccer, along with this portion of the letter to:

Bob Jones High School Soccer **PLEASE WRITE TWO PHONE

Attn: Coach Seth Tarrer NUMBERS AND DRIVER’S 


Madison, AL 35758 CHECKS**

We would love to write you a thank you note so be sure to include your name and address!

48 Days to go

Thank you for supporting BJHS Band! 

109 Days to go

The Bob Jones Patriot baseball team is trying to raise $300 per player to go towards the program’s needs this season.  Your contribution will go a long way to help us in our goal to be one of the best high school baseball teams not only in the state, but in the nation.  I am asking you to sponsor me with a donation of $20 or more on my behalf.  Your donation will count towards my personal fundraising goal for this season.  

All donations will go directly towards facility improvements and items that directly benefit the players.  With your donations last year, we were able to renovate the JV field mound and home plate, install additional sprinklers in the outfield, and install a state of the art camera system (AWRE)!  This year we plan to use your donations to install artificial turf in our bullpens, purchase new uniforms, and renovate the JV infield.

In 2024, we won the 7A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP for the 1st time in school history while winning 44 games.  We also won the Area 8 Title for the 3rd straight year and finished #4 in the NATION!  Also, four seniors signed baseball scholarships to continue their baseball careers.  Our goal this season is to continue our Area 8 dominance and advance to Oxford to WIN the 7A State Championship AGAIN!!

With your donation, you become part of our program; a program that will continue to rise with the support of people like you.  Please visit our website at https://www.bjpatriots.com/, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at @BJHSBaseball.

Lastly, your financial support of Patriot baseball is tax deductible.  We appreciate your support of Patriot baseball, and we hope to make you proud!

When making your donation here, please indicate which athlete you are supporting! 

109 Days to go

Bob Jones Softball 2024 - 2025 Pick a Plate & Donate! 

Please support Bob Jones Softball! 

109 Days to go

The Journey Jaguars baseball team is trying to raise money to go towards the program’s needs
this season. Your contribution will go a long way towards helping a new program only in its
second season get some of the stuff that we desperately need. I am asking you to sponsor me
with a donation of $20 or more on my behalf. Your donation will count towards my personal
fundraising goal for this season.

All donations will go directly towards facility improvements and items that directly benefit the

When making your donation here, please indicate which athlete you are supporting!
We appreciate your support of Journey Baseball!

109 Days to go

Please support our SLC, Spark, and Essentials Students by making a donation for coffee, hot tea, and cocoa! 

109 Days to go
Student Needs, Yearbook, cap & gown, credits,
SOS - Supporting Our Students

 Madison City Schools is excited to report the launch of its “Supporting Our Students” campaign.
This donor-supported fund will provide help for MCS students who may struggle paying for a yearbook, class field trip, ACT prep assistance, tutoring, academic fee, cap and gown – any out-of-pocket expense related to a school function, class or extra-curricular.
In the past, many wonderful teachers and staffs have generously covered such expenses - often anonymously. The new Supporting our Students initiative will be funded by donations channeled through LeanStream and doled out by a committee on a case-by-case basis. All donations to this fund will be tax deductible.
What a great resource for our families. We want to make sure all students have equal opportunities to participate in all activities without having to worry about cost. The Supporting our Students program will be promoted primarily from  Giving Tuesday through the month of December each year. However, your generous donations will be accepted throughout the year.

What impact will my gift make? 

  • $10 - Basic needs (haircuts, laundry services, hygiene supplies)
  • $25 - Credit Recovery for a high school student
  • $25 - Field Trip fee
  • $30 - Basic needs (clothing, shoes, coats, job uniform)
  • $40 - Yearbook
  • $50 - Cap & Gown
  • $75 - Assistance with Fine Arts fee 
  • $100 - Assistance with Sports fee

These are just a few examples of areas of impact that your gift will make! We appreciate the continuous support of our students! 

For more informaiton or to make a donation by mail, please contact Lee Shaw, lshaw@madisoncity.k12.al.us

323 Days to go

Thank you for your interest in Honoring Your Educator! This new program is a way for parents, grandparents, mentors and friends of our students to give back to teachers by honoring them in a meaningful way! For those interested, you may make an online gift. You will be asked to select the school in which your student attends and let us know your educator that has made an impact! The gift will then be transferred to the school and the educator you choose! The educator will be able to use this gift for their classroom or department to continue to benefit all students! Not only will the educator receive the gift for their area, they will also be recognized with a certificate and pin to wear. The recipient will never know the amount of your gift, so nothing is too small or large. We hope this is a simple way to recognize those who invest in our students, as well as continue a legacy in their classroom for years to come! For more information, questions, or alternative donations, please contact the Development Office – lshaw@madisoncity.k12.al.us.
